Finance Today has affiliations and partnerships with many experts in the property investment industry. So if you’re looking for some expert advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will only be too happy to assist.
Passive (defensive) strategies are where the investor puts in a standard amount of effort and therefore the investment has a standard risk profile and standard return. They also typically require a normal deposit (3%-20%) and normal finance (97%-80%), they receive natural capital growth (3%-10%pa) and a natural yield (2.5%-8%). These types of strategies include:
- Cash Flow vs Growth
- Houses vs Apartments
- New vs Old
- High Price vs Low Price
- Off-The-Plan
- Special Purpose
Active (offensive) strategies involve the investor making a greater effort on a more "creative" type of opportunity, which therefore typically has a higher risk profile and return. These strategies usually involve a creative deposit (<3%) and a creative finance solution (>97%). The rewards for this extra effort are instant capital growth (5%-25%) and higher yield (>8%). These types of strategies include:
- Renovation
- Development
- Unconventional