Lenders fees

Approximate cost

Application fee
Application fee generally includes settlement and search fees.
Valuation fee
Major lenders normally include this cost in their application fee.
Monthly service fee $10
Mortgage insurance
$1500–$3000 The amount depends on the purchase price and the amount you borrow. It protects the lender only and is normally charged if you borrow more than 80 percent of the purchase price.

Government fees

Approximate cost

Stamp duty on mortgage loan
This is calculated on the loan amount. In this case, we've assumed a $180,000 loan in NSW. Rates differ depending on which state you live in. Not applicable to Vic, NT and ACT.

NB. First Home Buyers may be exempt from mortgage stamp duty in particular instances.
Stamp Duty on property purchase
This is calculated on the purchase price. In this case we've assumed a market price of $200,000 in NSW. Duty differs in some states. Concessions to first-home buyers applicable in most states. (See below.)
$5490 (owner-occupied)
Land transfer registration
Sliding scale which depends on the price of the property. In this case, it's calculated on $180,000 in NSW.
Mortgage registration
Fee is normally collected by lender.


Approximate cost

Solicitor and conveyancing fees $500-$2,000
Search and inquiry fees $200-$400
Agency and sundries
Includes settlement fee and disbursements fees.
Building report $250-$450
Pest report $150-$300
Home building insurance $200-$500

* Deregulated costs. Subject to variation

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